About shareTHAT

We are changing the way we share contact information.


The world is becoming more and more connected by social media and increasingly intrusive ways of communication. In response, we created shareTHAT – a way for those who would like to have a central “hub” where they can post their contact details and other information in one place.

Brought to you by Touch Wright, shareTHAT is the most advanced mobile application on the market for sharing and exchanging contact information with each other. It is loaded with cutting-edge features, smartly designed to simplify the everyday action of exchanging contact information.

With two profile options, you can keep your personal and professional life separate. You only have to shareTHAT one time. Information will update automatically across all your contacts when you change anything. No more repeating, no more mistakes, and no more tapping.

Some cool features of our app!


Use shareTHAT 6ft away or across a football field. Never be restricted by distance again.

One Touch:

Share contact information by one touch on your own phone. Never hand someone your phone again.


Missing information about your new contact? Use the app to request what you need. Never have to go without access again.

Updated Info:

You can change your email address, your phone number, your job title etc. All changes will automatically update on all your contacts with shareTHAT app. Never have to send out a mass text with your new information again.

Personal and Professional:

Choose between or have both a personal and professional profile. Keeping your personal life separate and allowing you to share what you choose. Never have to buy a business card again.


Stay in privacy mode and accept new contacts on your terms.

How it works

shareTHAT is a connecting tool. You can use this tool to connect any contact information you want to share such as your phone number, your name, your business, your social media, even your zodiac sign. Revolutionizing the way, we shareTHAT; all that.

Search in real-time to shareTHAT next connection

Get real-time notifications when someone shares their info. Update your information and it will automatically shareTHAT

This is where your new rolodex begins

Exchange contact details with people you don’t know for all those new connections and connect with old friends and acquaintance.

Connect everyday with the people
you meet wherever they are (up to 100 yds).

Step 1

Meet a new connection,
Open your apps to share

Step 2

Allow your app to search
Open their profile when it appears

Step 3

Touch your own phone to share
Accept and receive incoming info

people across all industries

"Sharing my contact information is vital to the success of my efforts when I’m on the go and now…ShareTHAT is the answer to my prayers. This Application is a phenomenal tool I have added to my technology toolbox during this social distancing era. I absolutely Love this App!"

Russell Kelly
Author and self-publisher of Daddy(s) Cry Too™️
and CrackHouse Turned Incorporated™️

people across all industries

"As a semi-retired health care professional, I am finding shareThat to be very convenient and user friendly in exchanging contact information with colleagues I meet at conferences. The contact information has been exchanged with ease and accuracy. No misspellings, no one asked to repeat any information. Download the app, open and exchange info! Done! I endorse shareThat for its multitude of practical uses in the professional and social network world."

Margaret Savel Tully
Registered Dietician LDN

people across all industries

"shareTHAT is easy to use, and I can get in contact with anyone I want. It's perfect! One of the things I love most about shareTHAT is that no one has to know who the other person is. It's kind of like a secret and personal calling card."

Sandip kordia
Executive Officer, Nokia

people across all

"No more carrying business card with phone number, emails, Facebooks, etc. It's much easier now to get in touch with me as all my information is stored in shareTHAT app. I can update my contact details anytime as well as keep them as personal as I want."

Nirav Patel

people across all

"shareTHAT is a lightweight app. It loads quickly, and there are no long waits while it's searching for wireless networks."

Alex Parker
Sr. Officer,Kore

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital business cards are used by both individuals and businesses to quickly and sustainably exchange contact information. The names of professionals are often included in the business card to identify the company they work for. They offer a convenient and easy way to exchange contact information among peers.

shareTHAT is an app that helps you stay in touch with your friends and coworkers. Instead of having your hard-copy business cards, you can use this app to create a digital business card with all your contact information.

Due to the open nature of shareTHAT, your privacy and safety are important to us! shareTHAT provides a range of privacy options for your comfort and enjoyment. Keep your contact info private, reject incoming contacts or requests for private information or block and report offensive users—all settings included in your profile, your notifications and your contact list.

Download shareTHAT App Today

We're trying to change the way we exchange information.

Contact us

Call us on(404) 476-5871
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